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Match Play Bracket

How will it work ? (pending participants)


Format 1 - Preferred 

Pending the amount of players that sign up to play will determine final format. The Club is planning on following the same format as the PGA match play competition - Which is bracket format with seeds from 1 - 64. Once seeds are determined by handicap. Then players will be placed in 4 man groups for group play .

 Group play - is round robin where everyone plays the everyone in their group - the player with the most points comes out of the group and enters the single elimination bracket.  Other participants are eliminated. 

Bracket Play - single elimination - last man standing wins 

If we do not have enough participants 

Format 2

Double elimination bracket 

How Many Holes / Days ?

The plan is for 9 hole, 1 v 1, matches and pending the amount of participants will determine if 27 are played sat and Sunday or if Friday afternoon would work as well - this may not work for all participants 

 The goal is to make sure everyone gets at least 2 to 3 matches for their paid entry 

Click here to sign up

October 14

Halloween Party